February 25, 2009

Bridal Makeup in America

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , at 3:21 am by Marigold

For those of you who’ve gotten married in America, what did you do for your hair and makeup needs for your wedding day? I’ve seen the job desi salons do here and it’s hideous, to say the least. I don’t trust desi salons here… what are some of the other options? Thanks!

Time or lack thereof

Posted in Uncategorized at 12:50 am by Marigold

I miss you guys. I really do. But I haven’t had this much to do in a long long time and as a consequence, I’m not much of a time manager. So I’ll divide my life into bullet marks below and give you the update I owe you.

1- I absolutely love my new major! I know it’s only the first semester but I know in my heart this is what I was meant to do.. everything is in Allah’s hands and He is the best of planners and the one thing I’ve learnt is not to plan to far ahead however, inshaAllah if all goes well, I’d love to do a PH.D. in Psychology and become a research Psychologist. I was a little perturbed by the long, arduous journey ahead and I was discussing the pains of it with my Professor and I asked her, “So basically I will be 35 by the time I’m done?” and she said a profoundly beautiful thing, she said, “Let’s look at it this way… you’ll be 35 anyway…” And immediately I went….. wow! (Actually, I’ll be 33, but still!)

2- As far as the iPhone update goes; my sweet, darling of a husband bought me a new one! I implored him not to but he went ahead and bought it anyway! Isn’t he the best? It’s not all peachy though because I’m always stressing about it and losing my breath every time I can’t spot it!!

3- Another iPhone update is that I’d actually filed a report with the campus police and the officer called me today and said he thinks he knows who has it and as soon as he gets it back, he’ll let me know!! This was early in the morning and quite woke me up! I later realized that he only think he knows who has it so it isn’t necessary that he will ever get it… what do you think? Also, when I asked him how he knew who had it, accompanied by the appropriate elation etc., he haughtily replied, what did I mean, ma’aam, he was just doing his job, that’s how!

4- I have an internal policy of keeping the best for last and this probably warrants it’s own post but I’m running out of time here so I’ll go ahead and announce it at number 4 that I’m now the proud Phupo (aunt) of a beautiful little girl! My SIL had an emergency C-section on 14th February and so we were blessed with a beautiful little princess who has stolen all our hearts and made some of us remember why we hate living so far away! Of course, I love her with all my heart and soul for her cuteness and the blood that ties us but one of the best things I love her for is that she has enbaled me to buy all those cute little pink things I always wanted to buy! May Allah bless her sweet little heart and protect her and be with her always. Amen!

That’s mostly it. There are another few minor annoucements but I will wait before they are confirmed, inshaAllah. Hold tight.

February 13, 2009

Public Poll

Posted in Uncategorized at 7:32 am by Marigold

Please answer the following honestly! This is an anonymous poll so I won’t know who voted what (or at least I think I won’t!) but anyway, be honest and if you feel like it, provide reasons in your comments. Thanks! I’ll tell you the final results in a week!

February 11, 2009

Lamb Roast Leg Recipe

Posted in Uncategorized at 5:14 pm by Marigold

Here’s the recipe, just for Meow 🙂

There’s actually not much recipe involved here, just a lot of patience! 4 hours worth of patience!!
1- So you buy the lamb leg, right? Make sure it’s the “raan” (the back leg)! Make cuts in it all over.
2- Then rub it liberally with garlic, salt and some other masala if you like. My chachi just used garlic and salt. I used Shaan’s Roast Leg Masala lightly. In the end it doesn’t make too much of a difference because the meat has it’s own rich taste and that’s what you’re after.
Sprinkle some vinegar to make the it all stick.
3- Wrap it tightly in that plastic wrap thingy (we call it sarane wrap).
4- Marinade it overnight in the fridge.
5- Next day, preheat the oven at your maximum heat. (Mine’s is 500F)
6- Then pop the leg in there for an hour at this heat in a deep oven pan. Make sure to cover the pan with aluminum foil.
7- After an hour, reduce the heat to 350F for the next 2 hours.
8- For the last hour, make it 300F.

At this point, when you take it out, it should be so tender that it should come apart with a fork. You can also make a gash all the way down to the bone and the meat should come off the bone easily too. If this is not so, pop it in there for another hour. That should do it. Temperature times vary depending upon the size of your.. er, I mean the lamb’s leg. If you like your leg extra crispy, you can take off the foil in the last half hour.

There should also be some liquid left over in the pan. This is precious. I dump it in a pan on the stove. Add some milk and water. Sprinkle some salt and pepper and it becomes my yummy sauce!!

There, I hope you enjoy yours!

February 10, 2009

The Phone That Will Break Your Heart

Posted in Uncategorized at 11:48 pm by Marigold

Before you decide to buy yourself that gorgeous, killer of an iPhone, you might wanna prepare to have your heart broken. If you lose it or it gets stolen, you will…

1- Not be able to get a new one for the same price. You will have to pay twice as much.

2- Lose your precious collection of songs, videos, photos, applications and basically, half of your life.

3- Have to make do with an average phone until your contract expires and you can buy the iPhone again for that cheap price.

4- Not be able to track it, block it etc. The person who stole it will be going on their merry way, using your iPhone while you wirthe in pain.

Last but not least, nothing, and I mean nothing, can prepare you for the actual heartbreak of losing your phone. Not after all those times you lovingly installed those great applications that made your life easier. Now when you’re out and need to find a restaurant, you’ll be reduced like common people to call someone who’s pathetic enough to be sitting in front of a computer on a Saturday night and google restaurants for you; provided of course, that you know someone as pathetic as that, which in itself is something you should reflect about.

Also, like common people, you will have to wait to get home before you can check what movies are on. Or what reviews they have. Worse of all, no more reading ebooks and back to lugging around real books and trying to keep that tiny book light steady lest it crashes to the floor with your book and you no longer know where you were reading… no iPhone application to save that last page for you or provide background light. Sigh.

In other words, your life as you knew it with iPhone, will be over. Every time you reach out for it and it’s no longer there, your heart will break all over again. I kid you not. So friends, think before you decide to lose your heart to it. Think. Think hard.